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發佈: 2020年5月16日 (星期六) | 12:00 PM

請按以下我們宣道會會長 David Hearn 牧師的指示報名參加是次祈禱會。你亦可以當日使用面書 (Facebook) 視聽, 只需在面書輸入"Raise a Hallelujah", 便可收看。

這個視像祈禱會將於5月21日 (星期四) 早上10:00至11:00舉行


Dear Alliance family,  

You are invited to join us on Thursday, May 21st from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET for a time of prayer and worship.  

This third Raise a Hallelujah event is hosted by our New Ventures and Envision teams, and will feature emerging leaders from across the Alliance.  

This will be a powerful moment of hearing from emerging leaders as they share their challenges, hopes, and passions. Come and join us in this fresh call to audacious faith, daring risk, and radical dependence on Jesus. 

We encourage you to forward this invite to anyone that may be interested in participating.  

We hope to see you there,
David Hearn
President, The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada